Cryo for weight loss

Are you looking for natural ways to improve your workout routine, lose that last five kilos or really get motivated to fit into those skinny jeans?

Cryotherapy can be a fantastic modern weight loss treatment that can get you where you want to be naturally. No cutting, vacuuming or lasers. No matter what body you have right now, and what results you are looking to gain, consistent, regular sessions in a Cryotherapy chamber can get you there.

Weight Loss Treatment

While surgical weight loss might seem like a fast way to shed a kilo or two, the best weight loss tips and practical advice all point to the same place, taking time, being natural and rebooting your routine in a way that works for your lifestyle.

If you put all that money into surgical weight loss, you are taking a short cut that might not assist in changing your routine. Weight loss works naturally if you reduce stress levels, take up regular exercise, drink lots of water, have plenty of energy and eat well-balanced meals. Without these healthy choices, your surgical treatment will either have limited results or perhaps none at all, all with a cost to your mind, body and wallet.

That’s why a Cryotherapy weight loss treatment can work so much more effectively, it’s not a shortcut, but it may be a way for you to accelerate the results of a healthy lifestyle or new routine. It moves with you as you make gradual changes towards a more healthy, confident you, helping to create long-term effective results you will love, faster than you would get with exercise alone.

Actors, models and singers are raving about what Cryotherapy weight loss treatments are capable of. Daniel Craig, Lindsay Lohan and Mandy Moore, who need phenomenal looking bodies as part of their performance, swear by this treatment for staying on top of a great physique. According to their accounts, as well as Cryotherapy weight loss reviews by numerous media and bloggers on Cryotherapy success, it’s worth giving the treatment a go to see how your body responds.

How Cryotherapy Works

There are quite a few different Cryotherapy methods which include whole body cryotherapy rooms (also good for groups) and Cryotherapy Chambers (or cryo saunas).

For all over body results, the cryo sauna session can be the one that Cryotherapy weight loss reviews say gets the best results. This is the treatment that sports athletes rely on for high-intensity training and recovery. It’s personal, one person only, you are only exposed from the neck down, with your head free, which means clear vision, as there are no nitro mist clouds to wade through. As well as clear air, you will be breathing at room temperature. You also get personal one-on-one attention from a Cryotherapy specialist, no other Cryotherapy treatment can offer all that.

Stepping into a Cryotherapy chamber for three minutes is as much as you need to do for your body to uniquely respond to the treatment. There are some initial questions and forms to complete that will ensure you are healthy for the treatment and to determine just what kind of results you are looking for. After that, you strip down to undergarments (you can opt for shorts and singlets if you prefer), don some finger and toe protection and let the ice-cold nitrogen gas go to work. During this swift chill session, your body will respond to the cold. At this point in the weight loss treatment session your skin may tighten and firm and excess fluid, that may have been causing bloating and puffiness, can decrease. You may also notice a significant energy boost and adrenalin rush as you watch the temperature plummet and hear your countdown start.

While the chamber is cold (colder than Antarctica), you will warm up again very quickly and very naturally when you exit the chamber and return to room temperature.

Some light exercise here can get you warmer even faster and may put that newfound energy to good use. In the warming up phase your metabolism speeds up, with overseas studies showing you can burn up to 800 additional calories following repeated, regular cryotherapy sessions as you rapidly and evenly warm to a regular temperature.

At the same time, blood rich in oxygen is sent to skin and muscles, which may help in repairing, firming and smoothing as well as increasing circulation and flushing out stagnant toxins.

Looking for motivation to lose weight?
Starting a diet can be tough, both emotionally and physically. It can take time to see results and those cravings can seem too strong to resist. Adding a Cryotherapy weight loss session as an additional boost to your weightloss plan may help to improve how you look and feel and really get you powering towards your weight loss goals.

Consistent, regular Cryotherapy sessions can have you feeling energised and positive and ready to tackle those scales.

Cryotherapy for weight loss is designed to help assist you towards your goal over time, so if you are wanting a complete overnight transformation, it might not be the right fit for you, although just be careful, your health is far more valuable than your appearance.

If you are looking to get some great efficient assistance for all the hard work you are doing, or want to be doing, then Cryotherapy natural weight loss treatments can assist in getting you there, in a safe, fun and positive way. Book your Cryotherapy session at