Millions are benefiting from the fat-freezing effects of Cryolipolysis and Cool Sculpting. These therapies suppress our body’s most stubborn fatty areas to cold therapy that shakes up the brown fat cell storage in our bodies, effectively melting it away. They’re also the best non-invasive alternative to fat-reduction surgeries that often lead to other problems, such as scarring, infection, and even death. 


As one of the most effective fat freezing clinics in Sydney, CRYO offers an even greater fat-burning treatment, CRYOSLIM, that will freeze more fat, target more areas, and leave you feeling like the best version of yourself in as little time possible. 


While other fat freezing techniques target fat cells and force them to destabilize and disappear, through CRYOSLIM’s innovative uniqueness to the industry, clients are treated with up to three phases, each with its own positive effect for unyielding fat loss – making results even more dynamic. 


Unlike extreme dieting which starves the body to burn fat, takes weeks to see results, and often leads to binge-eating that counter-effects results, CRYOSLIM and cold therapy burn fat without decreasing calorie intake. Results occur within 4 – 6 weeks after the first treatment with final results revealing themselves around the 12 week mark.


And the best part? It’s permanent. It’s important, however, to attempt to incorporate lifestyle changes if needed into your new life to ensure that you do not promote new fat to develop in its place. 


How do I know it will work?


Studies done on the effects of Cryolipolysis on fat loss reported 15-28% fat loss in the areas treated – and those who were treated by ultrasound (phase 3 of CRYOSLIM) lost between 10-25% of fat from the treated area. Of course, each person is uniquely different and will, therefore, see different results. There is no recovery time as there is no injury to the body during treatment, there is only relaxation while you let CRYO do the fat freezing for you.


Interested in finding out how CRYOSLIM can give you back the body you had in school without needing to pay thousands of dollars for invasive surgery? Reach out to one of our CRYOSLIM Technicians now for a consultation.